Wednesday 1 April 2020

Best Robotic Pool Cleaners 2020 - Top Pick & Reviews

1. Hayward Tiger Shark: 

The Hayward Tiger Shark Swimming Pool Robotic Cleaner with Quick Clean Technology is an in-ground robotic pool cleaner that will automatically calculate the size of your pool and program itself for the most efficient route. This robotic pool cleaner is ideal for in ground plaster and fiberglass pools.

There is an on-board pump which will clean debris from the walls as well as the steps and floor of your pool. Unlike other robotic pool cleaners the Hayward Tiger Shark QC uses an easy to clean reinforced cartridge filter instead of bags.

2. Dolphin Triton Robotic Pool Cleaner: 

The Dolphin Triton Robotic Pool Cleaner comes with a caddy and swivel cable that is 60-Feet long with a swivel mechanism designed to make your life easy.

 This patented cable technology twists and turns along with the machine so no tangles to interrupt the flow of your machine.The Dolphin Triton has features which includes a filter system that has cartridges instead of filter bags.

3.Polaris 9550 Sport Robotic In Ground Pool Cleaner:

 Polaris goes 4×4 which makes this robotic pool cleaner able to go places some robotic cleaners have never been before. The Aqua-trax tyres are designed to cope with all pool surfaces no matter how smooth or rough.

 To go with these tyres is the fact that it has ActivMotion sensor technology that enables this vacuum to navigate your pool no matter which shape it is has ActivMotion sensor technology that enables this vacuum to navigate your pool no matter which shape it is.

4. Hayward SharkVAC XL: 

 When deciding on a pool cleaner for your pool, there are a lot of factors that need to be taken into consideration. First, you have to look at the shape of your pool and that includes the slope of the sides of your pool as well.

 If your pool has an irregular shape or one with lots of tight corners and bends then you might need to spend some extra time researching which vacuum to buy since these shapes are not always easy to clean.

5. Polaris 9400 Sport Robotic In Ground Pool Cleaner:

 When talking about sports models one automatically thinks of great design, great looks and capabilities and that is no exception when it comes to the Polaris 9400 Sport Robotic in ground pool cleaner.

 This particular model has two cleaning cycles since your pool is not always as dirty as the previous time you cleaned it.

6. Dolphin Nautilus Robotic Pool Cleaner:

 In this day and age having a robotic pool cleaner is something you might not be able to do without. The Dolphin Nautilus Robotic pool cleaner is one that gives new meaning to convenience. This lightweight pool cleaner weighs 18.75 pounds and has numerous features that make it a good choice in cleaner. As a residential pool cleaner it is designed to clean in-ground pools the best up to a pool length of 50ft.

7. Hayward SharkVac Robotic Pool Cleaners:

 Hayward has produced a robotic pool cleaner called the Hayward RC9742 SharkVac that is said to be an “innovative pool cleaner with plenty of bite.” In an age where everything costs so much, it is great to find manufacturers that are taking the high cost of living into consideration and attempting to make items more affordable and as energy efficient as possible.

8. Aquabot Pool Rover Hybrid

Who would ever have thought that a pool vacuum could be customizable? With the Aquabot Pool Rover Hybrid you are able to choose how long your vacuum will move forwards and backwards so that it can clean any shape of pool. This guidance system and these settings also allow for it to climb a 60° incline all while working out the best way to clean your pool.

Benefits Of A Robotic Pool Cleaner:

When considering buying a robotic pool cleaner it is always a good thing to look at how it will benefit you and your pocket in the long run. To do this, all you need to do is take a look back in time to see what a labor intensive job it used to be as opposed to using a robotic pool cleaner today.

The first and most obvious reason is that you don’t have to do anything other than put it in the pool and switch it on. No fiddling with connection hoses just straight forward dumping in the pool and letting it go. A robotic cleaner is pre-programmed to cover all surfaces of your pool from the floor and walls to each and every nook that goes with the shape of your pool.

 They can be used on most types of pools from in-ground to above ground pools and size does not matter either. Robotic pool cleaners also have the ability to get rid of the micro granules of dirt that often get left behind by other automatic pool cleaners so you know your pool is super clean instead of just being clean.

 These cleaners usually have a dual action ensuring far better cleaning results. Brushes underneath the vacuum facilitates the suction process of the vacuum so you pool is being swept while the dirt is being sucked up. The brushes also act as a guide so the dirt is swept into the waiting mouth of the vacuum section.

Some advanced robotic pool cleaners have the ability to move the water as it cleans which improves water circulation as it goes. As the water circulates, the chemical balance is able to stay far more constant which, in turn, keeps your water healthy and clear so you don’t have to continual test the chemical levels of your pool. Algae re-growth is also kept at bay when your chemicals levels are balanced. This then also benefits your pocket because you will not have to spend unnecessarily large amounts of money on buying chemicals to keep it perfectly balanced and to get rid of the algae build up.

Another benefit is that your pool will look cleaner and brighter and you will not have to clean the surface of your water either. As your robotic cleaner moves around your pool, it climbs the walls, right up to the water line thus sucking in debris that is floating on the surface of your pool as well. Granted you might have to scoop debris from the surface in the middle of your pool but even that can be eliminated with the wonderful pool surface skimmers that are available today. Time is of the essence in our hurried world today so having a pool cleaner that does it all for you and quickly too can only be a major benefit to anyone’s pool.

 All you have to do is clean the filter bag and take it out or put the cleaner into the pool when necessary.

Why Use A Robotic Pool Cleaner

 The question often arises as to why a robotic pool cleaner should be used instead of just sticking to the older automatic pool cleaner. Both are doing the same job, freeing up your time to enjoy your pool more and reducing the time you have to spend doing manual cleaning of your pool. There are slight differences and some people will opt for the older automatic pool cleaners over the robotic ones as a matter of personal preference. So why should you use a robotic pool cleaner instead?

The answer to this question can be debated but first we need to look at how far we have come through the years. Before the invention of robotic pool cleaners you had to hook up extension pipes to each other then attach one end to the vacuum and the other end of the pipes to your pool outlet system. From there you attached a pole to the vacuum so that you could manually maneuver it back and forth across your pool until such time as you had vacuumed up all the debris and dirt that had settled on the bottom of your pool.

 If that was not enough, you had to use a net attached to the same pool to skim the surface of your pool to remove floating leaves and other debris that might’ve been floating in your pool. If your pool was particularly dirty and algae had perhaps built up on the sides of your pool then you would’ve first had to brush the algae off the sides of your pool then waited until it had settled on the bottom of your pool before being able to vacuum it up. This whole process took a couple of hours which, in turn, wasted valuable swimming time.

A few years later, the automatic pool cleaner was invented and made life a lot easier. With these pool cleaners, all you had to do was hook up the pipes to the outlet of your pool, put the vacuum in the pool and let it munch its way around your pool gobbling up the dirt.

 Although it reduced the time spent cleaning your pool considerably, you still had to skim the surface of your pool to get rid of the floating debris and the downside of the automatic pool cleaner was that it wasn’t always able to get rid of dirt that had lodged into corners of the pool and was not able to clean the sides of your pool beyond a certain height. This left you, still, with the job of brushing down the sides just below the water level.

Then along came the robotic cleaner and the world of pool cleaning as we knew it changed forever. With the robotic cleaner all you really need to do, depending on the model you have, is place it in the water and leave it to do the rest. The robotic cleaner can do so much more than the others can. You can literally place it in your pool and walk away leaving it to do the rest of the work for you.

How Robotic Pool Cleaners Work

Robotic pool cleaners take cleaning of pools to a whole new level. With minimal effort needed from your part, these little machines make the work of maintaining your pool that much easier. The robotic pool cleaner works by means of electricity that drives the onboard motor.

 The robot gets plugged into an electricity (GFCI) outlet by means of a transformer. This transformer then changes the amount of volts to a lower voltage that is connected to your robot by means of a long, sealed cord. This powers up your robotic vacuum and gets it moving.

Inside the robotic unit is a filter that has its own separate pump which sucks the debris straight into the filter. These filters also have computer chips that are able to learn the “lay of the land” so to speak so that it knows exactly how to move around the pool to ensure the every inch of your pool gets cleaned. As far as cleanliness is concerned, there is nothing better than a robotic cleaner to get the job done.

 From small amounts of dirt, sand and silt to larger pieces of debris such as leaves and small sticks. The robotic cleaner is able to suck up the minutest particles and suck it into its filter without it escaping back into your water. These robots do a lot of work that the other automatic pool cleaners cannot and that is climb walls, sweeping and scrubbing them along the way as well as doing the same for the tile line of your pool.

The powerful vacuum pump is so strong that it has the power to circulate the pool water as it moves about the pool. This circulation of water aids in keeping the chemical balance of your pool at the correct levels since the robotic cleaner does its job so well that there is no time for algae to grow on the sides of your pool. Since the water is also circulating so well, the water stays cleaner for longer too. When the chemical balance is maintained at an optimum, there is less chance of having to throw in extra chemicals which ultimately makes your water that much healthier and safer for you to swim in.

Many people feel that a robotic pool cleaner is too expensive but when you look at all the advantages, they could outweigh the high price tag quite easily. When you think of how much you will save on chemicals and then you can’t put a price tag on your time.

 Robotic pool cleaners will definitely safe you large amounts of time which is very valuable when we seem to have such a little time to do the fun things in life, today. You now know how it works; now it is up to you to decide whether it is worth the price tag for the larger amount of time you will be able to spend actually enjoying your swimming pool. It is all up to you and your preferences.

Kreepy Krauly Classic Pool Cleaner Review 2020

The Pentair Kreepy Krauly Classic Inground Automatic Poolside Suction Cleaner utilizes a patented design and construction that has proven itself in over 3 million pools making it one of the most popular cleaners of all time. This automatic pool vacuum uses the filtration system you have in your pool and has only one moving part unlike more complex pool cleaners which have multiple parts.

This particular pool cleaner is designed only for all types of pools, including: all inground, plaster, concrete, pebble tec, vinyl, and fiberglass or tile. Make sure to get the correct model: inground plaster pools here #K70400 – vinyl, fiberglass or tile here #K70405.

This automatic pool vacuum will leave your pool sparking clean. It has a turbo action swivel design that works with the regulator valve to provide optimal cleaning. There is an exclusive directional system incorporated into this pool cleaner which regulates cleaning performance and water flow. The automatic valve sets the idea travel speed so as to ensure a thorough clean.

There are no wheels or gears on this pool cleaner which makes it simple to use. Additionally, the cleaner has a large intake throat which can catch both large and small debris even twigs that fall into your pool.

Out of all the suction pool cleaners on the market the Kreepy Krauly has been purchased over and over again. It can get to hard-to-reach areas and has simple installation instructions. Set up takes about fifteen minutes. This automatic pool vacuum is weighted so it does not gloat to the top of your pool. The suction portion allows it to crawl up the sides and clear the bottom of your pool.

There are a few downsides associated with this automatic pool vacuum.  In some pools the cleaner will get caught on the hose, steps, light fixture or other obstacles. To correct this problem there is a wall climb adjuster you can buy for relatively inexpensive (less than $20).  Buy it here. See video on it here.  As with all suction side cleaners, if your pool gets a lot of debris you may want to consider a separate filter known as a leaf canister.  The leaf canister goes in line with the hose catching all large debris protecting your pool filter and pump basket from getting clogged.

The Kreepy Krauly uses a pulsating effect to pick up debris and unlike other pool cleaners it makes an odd, some may say loud, sound as it sucks up debris. Also many people complain about having to replace the main flapper as often as once a year.  For a while the flapper had a 20 year warranty and to this day still may.

Overall this cleaner has been wildly successful. However, there have been advancements in technology since this original beast offering quieter and more efficient results.  For the money it is a good buy. Compare it to other pool cleaners using our Buyers Guide table.  Also read about the top cleaners and which one is right for your pool here.

Hayward Tigershark Robotic Pool Cleaner

The Hayward TigerShark Swimming Pool Robotic Cleaner with Quick CleanTechnology is an in-ground robotic pool cleaner that will automatically calculate the size of your pool and program itself for the most efficient route. This robotic pool cleaner is ideal for in ground plaster and fiberglass pools.

There is an on-board pump which will clean debris from the walls as well as the steps and floor of your pool. Unlike other robotic pool cleaners the Hayward TigerShark QC uses an easy to clean reinforced cartridge filter instead of bags.

Ideally suited for pools that are twenty by forty feet, this pool cleaner has a fifty five foot cord and can clean an average pool in a couple hours. All that is required of you is to place the unit into your pool and watch it go. Hayward has engineered this product to be easier to install for homeowners and requires less maintenance than other robotic pool cleaners. It also uses less energy than suction cleaners or pressure cleaners, which makes it ideal for an environmentally friendly pool owner.

The design is easy to operate. You simply plug it in and go. There are no additional tools required. The pool cleaner has a shut-off function that automatically powers down at the end of the cleaning cycle—which lasts for roughly two hours. There is an on-board smart computer built into this automatic pool vacuum which calculates your pool size and ensures the most efficient pattern, resulting in a spotless pool.

The cleaner brushes will scrub your pool while it vacuums the sides and the steps. The reinforced cartridge element in the pool cleaner eliminates the need for bags. There is an additional safety measure that other pool cleaners lack: the 24 DC volt motor which is also energy efficient.

The filters are simple to clean and the unit can be stored in a matter of minutes. Be careful when you remove the Tiger Shark unit from the water, sometimes a small amount of dirt will fall out back into the water. Overall the  Tiger Shark robotic pool cleaner is very reliable and easy to used compared to other pool cleaners.

It is also up to 94% more energy efficient vs suction side and pressure side pool cleaners. Compare it to other robotic pool cleaners using our Buyers Guide table.  Also read about the top cleaners and which one is right for your pool here.

The Pool Cleaner Poolvergnuegen Suction Side Pool Vacuum

PoolCleaner™ is created by POOLVERGNUEGEN (which means pool pleasure) and made in the USA,

Unlike other pool cleaner manufacturers, all POOLVERGNUEGEN specializes in is automatic swimming pool cleaners and vacuums.

The PoolCleaner™ is highly recommended by pool service professionals because of its durability, quality and abilities.

The PoolCleaner™ has patented self-adjusting turbines that maximize power and water flow.

This allows the pool cleaner to still operate at low suction and low pressure.

Additionally the folding vanes and large suction port hole allow for large debris the pass through the cleaner and into the basket.

This automatic pool vacuum also has a great look to it.  The simplistic design gives it a low profile and clean look. The PoolCleaner™ also comes in multiple colors.  The white is the standard cleaner color.  There is also an option for a dark grey.  The dark grey is for homeowners that have a dark bottom pool such as pebble tec or grey plaster.  With the dark grey on a dark pebble tec pool this pool sweep cleaner goes virtually undetected and gives new meaning to an automatic pool cleaner.

Designed with a low profile and less moving parts then many of the other pool cleaners on the market such as the barracuda and kreepy krawler, the PoolCleaner™ proves to be very durable. It uses only two wheels (four wheel model available) and has a hard outer plastic shell.  The outer shell protects the internal components against the water, chemicals, weather and other elements. The two wheel design is great because there are fewer parts that can wear out, such as the wings and feet on the Navigator.  The wheels can still wear out and do need to be replaced every few years depending on use and type of surface (ie pebble wears out cleaners faster).

One of the advantages of the PoolCleaner™ is its ability not to get hung up or stuck in one place of the pool.  Due to its pre-programmed technology, the pool cleaners right wheel automatically rotates different directions at a certain sequence.  This allows the pool cleaner to not get stuck on one path, at one end of the pool or in a corner which often happens to other pool sweeps.  It’s pointless having your pool cleaner run all day only to have it clean one area of the pool.

The most popular pool cleaner is the two wheel suction cleaner.  Most automatic pool cleaners are suction cleaners.  A suction cleaner hooks up to the skimmer or side port (if your pool is equipped with one – see what this is here).  Essentially it uses the suction of the pump to vacuum the bottom and sides of your pool.  All in ground pools have a skimmer with a suction port and therefore can use the PoolCleaner™

The pressure side PoolCleaner™ uses a the flow of a pump to move it along and vacuum the pool.  The pressure side pool sweep must have a separate pump and port to run it.  Since it utilizes its own pump, the advantage of a pressure side cleaner is to not take away from efficiency from your pool circulation pump.

All in all the PoolCleaner™ is a very good automatic pool vacuum. It will save you a lot of hassle and time vacuuming your pool which is one of the more daunting tasks in pool maintenance and ownership.  Pool technicians and pool customers everywhere give solid reviews of the PoolCleaner™ making it one of the best automatic pool cleaners in the market!

Compare it to other pool cleaners using our Buyers Guide table.  Also read about the top cleaners and which one is right for your pool here.

How to choose the Best type of Pool Cleaners 2020 - Top Picks & Reviews

Spend more time enjoying your pool and less time cleaning it!  Automatic pool cleaners 2020 make life easy and will keep your pool sparking 24-7. If you own a pool you probably know how inconvenient vacuuming it is. It is time consuming, labor intensive, and requires special equipment.  Luckily for us, automatic and robotic pool cleaners solve this issue with ease!

Just drop the cleaner in the water and let it go to work.  Each day your pool will be vacuumed from top to bottom. Always, come home to a clean pool and have a clean pool before company arrives.  Automatic pool cleaners are by far one of the best advancements ever in the pool industry. The pool cleaners today are more advanced, efficient, and cost effective.  If you have a pool, an automatic pool cleaner is a must have!

There are a many different choices when selecting a pool cleaner with prices ranging from $150 to $2,000.  Pool Cleaner Reviews provides detailed information on the best pool cleaners to help you find the right one that suits your needs. See the best 5 pool cleaners in the table below or check out the full comparison table in our Buyers Guide Section.

What Type Of Automatic Pool Cleaner Is Right For My Pool?

It is important to understand the type of cleaner that your pool is designed, or not designed for. Basically, there are three different types:

  • Pressure Side Pool Cleaners
  • Suction Side Pool Cleaners 
  • Robotics Pool Cleaners

1. Pressure Side Pool Cleaners

The first design out the three types of cleaners. Many older addition pools were built with pressure side ports. Today, pools are built with suction side ports. Pressure side cleaners use the pressure of the water as it gets returned back into the pool to propel itself around the pool’s bottom and walls vacuuming up all dirt and debris. 

The debris goes into a bag attached to the side of the cleaner. The debris bag catches all the debris and prevents it from going into the filtration system and pool filter – unlike a suction cleaner. This reduces wear and tear on the pump and pool filter.  

Pressure side pool automatic pool cleaners are a good option for a pool that experiences a large amount of debris, or only has one skimmer (if you only have one skimmer and hook up your pool vac to it, now you have disabled the skimmer from doing its job so you have vacuum, but no skim. 

Skim moves the debris from the surface into the skimmer baskets located on the pool deck).  The downsides of pressure side cleaners are: most require a separate pump to operate (commonly known as a booster pump), the ones that don’t use a booster pump usually are not as powerful = less effective, and most need a separate built in port. 

Pressure side cleaners are used primarily with older pools. If you have a pool designed for a presure side cleaner they can be as effective as suction side cleaners. They are still being produced and innovated mostly because there are still a lot of pools that are older!  Some of the best pressure side cleaners are: Polaris 260, Polaris 360, Hayward Phantom.

2. Suction Side Pool Cleaner

Suction side cleaners are the most widely used cleaners today. Unlike pressure side cleaners which need a separate pump to operate, they are able utilize the pool’s filtration system to move around the pool’s bottom and walls, vacuuming dirt and debris along the way. 

The automatic pool cleaner attaches to the suction side of the pool’s plumbing, either at the skimmer, or on a separate side port specifically designated for the cleaner (a feature usually on newer pools). The dirt goes through the hose and into the pool’s pump strainer basket, leaf canister and/or pool filter.  Suction side cleaners work best in areas where dust and small debris (ie:  leaves and flowers) can get in the pool. 

Pools with a tendency for larger debris or a lot of debris should use a leaf canister to avoid clogging the filter and pump basket.  Some of the best pool cleaners that are suction-side are: the PoolCleaner, the Baracuda MX-8 and Kreepy Krauly.

3. Robotic Pool Cleaners

Robotic Pool Cleaners are the next generation of automatic pool cleaners and are increasingly becoming the pool cleaner of choice.  Robot vacuum cleaners offer convenience and produce great results. Simply plug the robotic cleaner into an outlet (GFCI protected ofcourse), place the cleaner in the pool, and turn it on. The robotic cleaner moves along the bottom of the pool, climbs the walls and most stairs cleaning.

Most robotic cleaners brush the tile line as well along the way. The automatic cleaner collects dirt and debris which goes into a fine mesh bag or cartridge. Most robotic cleaners use a special microchip technology to learn the size and shape of your pool to create the most efficient and effect cleaning routine for itself.  They also have a independent built in motor and filtration system which allows them to operate independent of your pool system.  

This means no extra booster pump, no large hose extensions, ease of use, save on filtration cost, and best of all is independent of your filtration system keeping all lines open (pressure and suction). It also means no debris gets stuck into the filter or pump saving them from wear. Most robotic pool cleaners offer a way of programming them for a custom schedule cleanings and auto shut off. A few of the best robotic pool cleaners are: Aquabot, Hayward Tiger Shark.